It is a great honor for me to welcome you to the Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). The University was established with a vision to produce competent professionals, who could be instrumental in the development of a prosperous society. The University took this challenging task and devised its strategy to acquire the status of being classified as a provider for career oriented individuals, who can create a positive impact on the society. The University remained focused on its goal, and in a short span of time earned a respectable name in the field of higher education. Today, we have over 4000 alumni working in the country and abroad, and we are proud of the progress they have made, and the way they have contributed towards the betterment of humanity.
In an academic system, some of the vital organs that determine its quality include curriculum, faculty and teaching environment. Any compromise on these will be at the expense of the academic quality. At CUST, the curriculums followed by various Faculties for their degree programs have been carefully designed to cater the needs of local industry, without compromising global trends. Thus, the University is a vibrant center of quality, dedicated to providing valuable education in various fields, in accordance to the specific developing needs of our country.
Though we have got excellent infrastructure and other support facilities to execute our academic programs, but our main pride is our quality faculty. CUST faculty is highly professional, mission oriented and motivated. The value addition they are creating in CUST graduates is something we are really proud of.
Apart from project and case study based learning, we, at CUST, make a conscious effort to expose our students into a multi-fascist environment to groom their personality and interpersonal skills. Our success so far has been the result of superb team effort by active scholars and teachers, caring and committed staff, and hardworking and exceptionally motivated students.
It is pertinent to mention here that CUST offers a good number of graduate programs, primarily in the evening to accommodate the working professionals. These programs are offered in the field of engineering, computing and management sciences. R&D is a prime thrust of our graduate programs, especially in PhD studies. In this connection the University strives to maintain a good liaison with industry and other R&D organizations. Publications made by our graduate students in the journals of international repute are a source of satisfaction for us.
The University believes in constant improvement; therefore in this connection, each degree program is assessed periodically against its pre-defined outcomes. This gives the University a chance to know the quality of its graduates apropos the requirements of the industry or employers. Based on stake holder’s feedback, appropriate remedial actions are taken, where necessary, to stay abreast with technological and industrial needs.
In this fast changing world, irreversible changes have occurred, and our University stands ready to meet the challenges of improving economic and social well-being. The University is uniquely positioned to be innovative and capitalize on new ideas, approaches and technologies. We at CUST intend to provide our students with the key for unlocking the door to a prosperous and fulfilling future.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mansoor Ahmed
PhD (UK), CEng (UK), FIEE(UK),
SMIEEE (USA), Eur. Ing (Brussels)