• To understand ancient and modern form of living.
• To impart knowledge related to planning and development of inhabitant areas.


CLO: 1. to explain and implement preliminary studies, materials and different planning phases.
CLO: 2. to interpret and justify material selection and various processes for master planning.
CLO: 3. to argue and build land use patterns.
CLO: 4. to demonstrate different steps of town planning.


  1. Architecture
    • Historical Development
    • General introduction to history of architecture
    • Emergence/Development of Islamic Architecture
    • Geographical, climatic, religious, social and historical influences
    • Architectural beauty
  2. Qualities, Factors and Use of Materials
    • Strength, vitality, grace, breadth and scale
    • Proportion, colour and balance
    • Stone, wood, metals, concrete, composites, ceramics
  3. Architectural Aspects of Building Planning
    • Walls and their construction
    • Openings and their position, character and shape
    • Roofs and their development and employment
    • Columns and their position, form and decoration
    • Moulding and their form decoration
    • Ornament as applied to any buildings
  4. Town Planning
    • Definitions
    • Trends in Urban growth
    • Objectives of town planning
    • Modern planning in Pakistan and abroad
  5. Preliminary Studies
    • Study of natural resources, economic resources, legal and administrative problems
    • Civic surveys
    • Preparation of relevant maps
  6. Land Use Patterns, Street Patterns
    • Various theories of land use pattern
    • Location of Parks and recreation facilities
    • Public and semi-public buildings
    • Civic centers, commercial centers, local shopping centers
    • Public schools, industry & residential areas
    • Layout of street, road crossing & lighting
    • Community planning
  7. City Extensions and Urban Planning
    • Sub Urban development
    • Neighborhood Units
    • Satellite Towns and Garden City
    • Issues related to inner city urban design and emergence/upgradation of squatter settlements