MS Management Science

“Be the creator of your success”

Are you willing to take your business career to new heights? If yes, enroll in MS Management Sciences at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University and get yourself immersed in the world of leading business minds.

Developed in consultation with highly-qualified faculty and industry experts, the curriculum caters to the needs of complex markets and puts a strong emphasis on research work. The two-year degree draws on some of Pakistan’s best research in the field of management sciences. Likewise, it helps you gain critical business understanding, business-ready practical skills, and a national and international perspective of management sciences.

This program also serves as an entry point for our doctoral program. Here at Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, we offer specializations in the following areas:

  • Human Resource Management.
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Project Management.
  • Supply Chain Management.

Career Prospects

Designed for future senior managers and executives, an MS Management Sciences degree will unlock the following career options for you:

  • Marketing coordinator
  • General manager
  • Brand manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Financial analyst
  • Human resources manager
  • Business process specialist
  • Project manager

Likewise, you can also secure a position as an academician or researcher in the country’s top institution.


The MS (Management Sciences) is essentially a research-based degree program intended to investigate and find solution to the problems besetting our national economy. The MS program offered by Mohammad Ali Jinnah University has attracted students from different parts of the country. It is an ideal program for anyone wishing to undertake research into management and related disciplines. The program provides substantial training in a range of research techniques and methods used in the business administration and social sciences, and an understanding of their theoretical and philosophical underpinnings. The research-based dissertation enables our students to apply their research skills and develop in-depth knowledge in a specialized area of management sciences. Our philosophy is that postgraduate business and management students need the understanding and skills associated with high-quality academic research. This approach applies equally to those who become either academic scholars or professional practitioners. This program also serves as an entry point for those who wish to pursue their doctoral degree.


Choosing your university is about more than finding a program. It is about starting the next chapter of your life and taking another step towards becoming the person you want to be. At MAJU, we share your passion to learn and encourage your desire to explore and evolve in a friendly and vibrant environment. Our academics and diverse student community will inspire, challenge, and support you. Together we can help you make your mark on the world.


  • Human Resource Management (HRM).
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Supply Chain Management


Operations Manager Marketing Manager
Procurement Manager Brand Manager
Production Planner Corporate Sales Manager
Logistics & Distribution Manager Chief Marketing Officer
Supply Chain Planner Marketing Research Analyst
Warehouse Controller Advertising and Promotions Manager
Quality Inspection Manager HR Generalist
Supply Chain Consultant HR Consultant
Financial Advisor Executive Recruiter
Funds Manager HR Specialist
Investment Banker HRIS Officer
Financial Risk Analyst Training Coordinator
Portfolio Manager Project Analyst
Credit Analyst Project Manager
Finance Manager Operations coordinator
Financial Consultant Lecturer
Education Administrator Researcher
Content Writer


  • State Bank of Pakistan
  • KE
  • PTA
  • Soneri Bank
  • Life Insurance
  • Academia

Admission Requirements

  • A minimum of 16 years of education in BBA/MBA/MPA or equivalent. Applicants with undergraduate degree from non-relevant areas may be required to take some undergraduate courses to fulfill pre-requisite deficiencies as determined by the Graduate Admission Committee. The deficiency Cr. Hrs. will not be counted towards the minimum Cr. Hrs. requirement for the award of the MS degree.
  • Minimum 2.00/4.00 CGPA or 50% marks
  • Admission Test / HEC Approved Test


(Placement statistics of last three semester graduates i.e., SP21, FA21, SP22)

Degree Requirements

Courses Cr. Hrs.
24 Cr. Hrs. Course Work and 06 Cr. Hrs. Thesis 30
27 Cr. Hrs. Course Work and 03 Cr. Hrs. Project 30
Course work only (10 Courses) 30

Specialization Requirements

A student can claim a specialization if he/she has completed 12 Cr. Hrs. including research work, if opted, from one of the specialization area courses offered by the department. Otherwise, on the completion of 30 Cr. Hrs. he/she will be awarded the MS degree without any specialization.

Core Courses

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Advanced Research Methodology FN4460 3
Strategic Marketing MG5270 3
Strategic Management MG4110 3
Strategic Finance FN5300 3

Specialization Courses

1. Finance

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Governance, Risk and Ethics FN4450 3
Advanced Financial Reporting FN4460 3
Computerized Accounting System FN4470 3
Performance Management FN4480 3
Advanced Financial Accounting FN4490 3
Portfolio Management FN4550 3
International Finance FN4560 3
Islamic Financial System FN4570 3
Financial Risk Management FN4580 3
Advanced Portfolio Management FN6500 3
Advanced Investment Banking FN6510 3
Financial Risk Management FN6520 3
Financial Derivatives FN6530 3

2. Supply Chain Management

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Retail Management MG4400 3
Strategic Supply Chain Management MG4410 3
Total Quality Management MG4420 3
Vendor Management MG4430 3
Warehouse Management MG4440 3
Supply Chain Analytics XXXXXX 3

3. Human Resource Management

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Performance Management MG4300 3
Public Relations MG4310 3
Recruitment & Selection MG4320 3
Training and Development MG4330 3
Crisis Management MG4350 3
Human Resources Development MG4360 3
Industrial Relations MG4370 3
International HRM MG4380 3
HR Audit MG4390 3
Industrial Organization MG5300 3

4. Marketing

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Media Marketing MG4200 3
Personal Selling MG4210 3
Product Management MG4220 3
Public Relations MG4230 3
Retail Management MG4240 3
Sales Management MG4250 3
Services Marketing MG4260 3
Tourism Marketing MG4270 3
Global and Regional Marketing MG6200 3
Industrial Marketing MG6210 3
Marketing Intelligence MG6220 3
Marketing of Financial Products MG6230 3
Packaging & Design MG6240 3
Pricing Strategies MG6250 3
Strategic Negotiations MG6260 3
Virtual reality in Marketing MG6270 3
Advanced Digital Marketing MG6280 3
International Marketing MG6290 3

5. Project Management

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Project Leadership MG6530 3
Project Risk Assessment and Management MG5540 3
Project Monitoring Evaluation and Control Management MG6610 3
IT Tools and Techniques in Project Management MG5550 3
Project Planning and Scheduling MG5510 3
Project Estimation and Cost Management MG5530 3

6. Islamic Banking and Finance

Course Title Code Cr. Hrs.
Expert System MG4500 3
Information Technology Infrastructure Library MG4510 3
IT Resource Management MG4520 3
Knowledge Management MG4530 3
Operation Research MG4540 3
Advance System Analysis & Design MG5560 3
E-Business Applications MG5570 3
System Analysis and Design MG5580 3
ISS-Information systems strategy MG6510 3
DSS & Business Intelligence MG6560 3

Semester 1

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs.
FN 4460 Advanced Research Methodology 3 0 3
FN 5300 Strategic Finance 3 0 3
MG 5270 Strategic Marketing 3 0 3
MG 4110 Strategic Management 3 0 3

Semester 2

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs.
XX XXXX Specialization I 3 0 3
XX XXXX Specialization II 3 0 3
XX XXXX Specialization III 3 0 3
XX XXXX Technology Elective / (Research Thesis-I) 3 0 3

Semester 3

Course Code Course Title Lec. Hrs Lab. Hrs Cr. Hrs.
XX XXXX Specialization IV 3 0 3
XX XXXX Final Research Project / (Research Thesis-II) 3 0 3


Semester # Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs. Course Type (Core/Elective)
1 MG5100 Advanced Research Methodology 3 Core
1 FN5300 Strategic Finance 3 Core
1 MG5270 Strategic Marketing 3 core
1 XXXXX Specialization I 3 Discipline Elective
2 MG5150 Strategic Management 3 Core
2* MG5130 Quantitative Research Methods 3 Core
2 XXXXXX Specialization II 3 Discipline Elective
2 XXXXXX Specialization III 3 Discipline Elective
3 MG6110 Research Thesis-I/Specialization VI 3
4 MG6120 Research Thesis-II/ Specialization V 3

MSMS- Specialization course list (12 Credit Hours)*

Specialization Finance
S.No: Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 FN4580 Financial Risk Management 3
2 FN5310 International Finance 3
3 FN6500 Advanced Portfolio Management 3
4 FN6510 Contemporary Issues in Banking & Finance 3
5 FN6520 Financial Econometrics 3
6 FN6530 Advanced Financial Derivatives 3
Specialization Marketing
S.No: Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 MG5280 Demography 3
2 MG5230 Pricing Strategies 3
3 MG6280 Advanced Digital Marketing 3
4 MG6210 Industrial Marketing 3
5 MG6580 Advanced Business Analytics 3
6 MG6200 Global & Regional Marketing 3
Specialization HRM
S.No: Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 MG5310 Current Issues in HRM 3
2 MG3330 Human Resources Information System 3
3 MG3370 Strategic HRM 3
4 MG5330 HR Audit 3
5 MG4380 International HRM 3
6 MG4360 Human Resource Development 3
Specialization Supply Chain Management
S.No: Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 MGXXXX Quality Management & Lean Six Sigma 3
2 MGXXXX Global Business Process Re-engineering 3
3 MGXXXX International Logistics and Global SCM 3
4 MGXXXX Supply Chain Risk Management 3
5 MGXXXX Strategic Distribution & Channel Management 3
6 MGXXXX Green Supply Chain Management 3
7 MGXXXX Services Supply Chain Management 3
8 MGXXXX Supply Chain Digitization 3


  • A minimum of 16 years of education leading to BBA/ MBA/ MPA or equivalent. Applicants with undergraduate degree from non-relevant areas will be required to first complete some undergraduate pre-requisite deficiency courses as determined by the Graduate Admission Committee. The deficiency Cr. Hrs. will not be counted towards the minimum Cr. Hrs. requirement for the award of the MS degree.
  • Minimum 2.00/4.00 CGPA or 50% marks
  • MAJU Admission Test / HEC Approved Test/ Interview.




  • To apply for our program, please visit:
  • 22-E, Block-6, PECHS, MAJU Bus Stop, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi
  • 021-111-87-87-87
  • 0348-111-6258
  • 0341-000-3339
Online Admission Form Submission Deadline Friday, January 6, 2023
Admission Test Sunday, January 8, 2023
Commencement of Classes Monday, February 6, 2023