This lab has been designed to provide an introduction to the ideas and concepts of Physics that would serve as a foundation for subsequent electronic engineering courses. The primary objective is to endow the knowledge of a wide variety of electric and magnetic phenomena along with their scientific applications, specifically, in the field of electronic engineering. The lab starts with a short review of basics of electricity. A majority of the lab experiments are then dedicated for electric and magnetic fields, forces, elements and their applications.


CLO-1: Follow the instructions to measure key variables of interest such as acceleration due to gravity, spring constant, force and its components, voltage and current in a circuit with confidence and proficiency. (P2)

CLO-2: Explain related graphs (such as force- displacement graph and voltage-current graph) with confidence and proficiency. (P2)

CLO-3: Compute experimental data by comparing theoretical values with experimentally measured values. (C3)

CLO-4: Answer the questions related to experiments and discuss confidently on direct questioning. (A2)


1. Vernier Caliper

  • Experiment # 01
    • To study and understand the working principal of Vernier caliper.

2. Screw Gauge

  • Experiment # 02
    • To study and understand the working principal of Screw Gauge.

3. Vector Board

  • Experiment # 03
    • To understand the different methods of vector addition. Find out the resultant of vectors.
  • Experiment # 04
    • To resolve the different components of vectors.

4. Simple Pendulum

  • Experiment # 05
    • To study and investigate the time period of a simple pendulum.

5. Spring-mass System

  • Experiment # 06
    • To determine the stiffness of a helical spring
    • To determine the value of ‘g’ using spring mass system.

6. Sliding Apparatus

  • Experiment # 07
    • To determine the coefficient of static friction.

7. Electronic Components

  • Experiment # 08
    • To understand the colour code techniques of resistors.
    • To understand different combinational circuits of resistors

8. Analogue and Digital Multimeter

  • Experiment # 09
    • To understand and learn the practical use of analogue and digital multi-meter.
    • To verify Ohm’s Law using different Circuits.
    • To study Voltage Divider rule and Current Divider

9. Bread Board and DMM

  • Experiment # 10
    • Understanding and performing Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
    • Understanding and performing Kirchhoff’s current law
  • Experiment # 11
    • Understand the phenomena of Photoelectric effect and working of photocell.

10. Permanent Magnets and Compass

  • Experiment # 12
    • To understand the properties of magnetic field.
    • To draw the line of force or flux and to understand and utilize electromagnet.

11. Function Generator and Oscilloscope

  • Experiment # 13
    • To understand the working of Function generator to generate a desired output signal.
    • To understand the working of Oscilloscope to Visualize the Desired output Signal Generated by Function Generator