Physics is the study of how the world works. This course provides an introduction to the physical world concepts that will be required in following Mechanical Engineering courses and in professional applications. The course objectives are as follows:
1. Working knowledge of fundamental physics and basic electrical and mechanical engineering principles to include advanced knowledge in one or more engineering disciplines.
2. The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering physics problems.
3. The ability to formulate, conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments in engineering physics.
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
CLO-1: Comprehend the fundamental laws of physics relevant to the engineering sciences (i.e. mechanical, electrical engineering etc.). (C1)
CLO-2: Apply knowledge of basic physical laws to solve various problems of applied nature. (C3)
CLO-3: Analyze different physical problems using the laws of physics from different areas like mechanics and thermodynamics. (C4)
1. Units, Physical Quantities, and Vectors – Two Lectures
- Standards and Units
- Unit Consistency and Conversions
- Uncertainty and Significant Figures
- Vectors and Vector Addition
- Products of Vector
2. Motion along a straight line – Four Lectures
- Displacement, Time, and Average Velocity
- Instantaneous Velocity
- Average and Instantaneous Acceleration
- Motion with Constant Acceleration
- Freely Falling Bodies
- Velocity and Position by Integration
3. Motion in two or three dimensions – Six Lectures
- Position and Velocity Vectors
- The Acceleration Vector
- Projectile Motion
- Motion in a Circle
- Relative Velocity
4. Newton’s laws of motion – Four Lectures
- Force and Interactions
- Newton’s First Law
- Newton’s Second Law
- Newton’s Third Law
5. Work and kinetic energy – Six Lectures
- Work
- Kinetic Energy and the Work–Energy Theorem
- Work and Energy with Varying Forces
6. Thermodynamics – Six Lectures
- Temperature and heat
- First & second law of thermodynamics
7. Electromagnetism- Four Lectures
- Electric charge and electric field
- Gauss’s law
- Electric potential