One of the main goals of this course is to explain the basic concepts of semi-conductor diode and its current-voltage relationship. Various applications of junction diode are discussed and various types of diodes are also explained. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) and Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) are evolved as two PN-junction devices. Relations of various currents and voltages in these transistors are explained in detail. The effect of temperature on these semiconductor devices is highlighted. Similarly, the working principles of Op-Amps and MOSFETS are also taught. Their critical parameters impacting design of amplifiers are talked about in detail. A variety of applications of various types of transistors, Op-Amps and MOSFETS are dealt with. The course is directly supported with lab experiments embracing the design principles.
CLO: 1. Describe and explain the basic construction, operation and characteristics of semiconductor devices (Level: C2)
CLO: 2. Apply the acquired knowledge to solve small scale circuits consisting of semiconductor devices (Level: C3)
CLO: 3. Analyze dc and ac response of small signal amplifier circuits using device models (Level: C4)
- Semiconductor Theory-Two Lectures
- Introduction.
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors.
- Doping and energy levels.
- Diodes-Four Lectures
- PN junction/ Biased PN junction.
- V-I Characteristics.
- Load Line and dynamic resistance.
- Diode models.
- Reverse recovery time and temperature effects
- Diode Applications- Six Lectures
- Half wave and Full wave rectifiers.
- Clippers and Clampers.
- Logic gates.
- Bipolar Junction Transistors- Two Lectures
- Construction, operation and characteristics.
- Amplifying action and variation in current gain.
- Common Emitter, Common Collector and Common Base Configurations.
- Power Ratings.
- BJT Biasing Circuits-Three Lectures
- Fixed Bias, Voltage Divider Bias and Emitter feedback Bias Circuits
- DC load line and operating point
- Biasing circuit design and stabilization
- Transistor as a switch
- BJT Small Signal Analysis- Five Lectures
- Common Emitter Amplifier
- Common Base Amplifier
- Common Collector Amplifier
- Amplifier Design and Loading effects
- Field Effect Transistors- Two Lectures
- JFET Construction and Operation
- Transfer characteristics and parameters
- FET Biasing Circuits- Three Lectures
- Fixed Bias, Self-Bias and Voltage divider Bias
- Design of a bias circuit
- FET Small Signal Analysis- Five Lectures
- JFET/Depletion MOSFET small-signal model
- Common source, common drain and common gate amplifiers
- Loading effects and design of amplifier circuits