Statics is a fundamental course in Mechanical Engineering. It purely emphasizes on bodies that are in Static Equilibrium (i.e. either they are at rest or moves with uniform velocity). The course of Statics is of particular significance because of the extensive use of its principle/techniques in the other core courses of mechanical engineering. The successful completion of this course would help students in achieving the following objectives:
- To help in understanding the nature of different types of loads (Force, Torque / moment) acting on a body (particle/ rigid body) in equilibrium.
- To be able to analyze the impact of loads (Force, Torque / moment) on a physical system that is in equilibrium
- To learn the basic methods of quantifying and analyzing the various forces that may exist between the bodies present in a mechanical/ structural system.
- To develop skills to use the basic principles in engineering applications.
CLO-1: Apply the concepts of vectors and scalars, conditions of equilibrium for particles and rigid bodies in two and three dimensions.
CLO-2: Analyze the impact of loads (Force, Torque/Moment) on physical system that is in static equilibrium.
CLO-3: Apply and comprehend the concept of friction, the center of gravity, center of mass, and centroid on various bodies and structures.
1. General Principles – Two Lectures
- Concepts of space, time, mass, velocity, acceleration and force.
- Newton’s laws of motion /gravitation.
- Units of Measurement
- International System of Units
- Numerical Calculations
2. Force Vectors – Two Lectures
- Basic Geometry
- Scalars and Vectors
- Vector Operations. Vector Addition of Forces.
- Addition of coplanar Forces.
- Cartesian Vectors Operations (Addition/ Subtraction).
- Position Vectors.
- Force Vectors Directed Along a Line
- Dot Product.
3. Force System Resultants – Eight Lectures
- Moment of a Force- Scalar Formulation.
- Cross product.
- Moment – Vector formulations.
- Principle of Moments.
- Moments about specified axis
- Moment of Couple.
- Equivalent System.
- Resultant and Reduction of Force and Couple system.
4. Equilibrium of a Particle – Two Lectures
- Conditions of Equilibrium.
- Free Body diagrams.
- Coplanar force system.
- 3 D Force Systems
5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body – Four Lectures
- Conditions of Rigid-Body Equilibrium.
- Equilibrium in Two Dimensions and Free Body diagram.
- Equation of Equilibrium (2D)
- Two and Three force members.
- Equilibrium in Three Dimensions and Free Body diagram.
6. Structural Analysis – Six Lectures
- Simple Trusses.
- The Methods of Joints.
- Zero force members.
- The Methods of Sections
- Frames and machines analysis
7. Friction – Two Lectures
- Characteristics of Dry Friction
- Problems Involving Dry Friction
- Wedges and Frictional Forces on Screws
8. Center of Gravity and Centroid – Six Lectures
- Center of Gravity, Center of Mass of a Particle
- Center of Gravity, Center of Mass of a Body
- Composite Bodies
- Distributed Forces