To provide students with the basic principles required for understanding conduction, radiation and convection heat transfer. To enable students to be able to apply the basic principles of heat transfer in the analysis and design of thermal systems.
CLO-1: Use modes and processes of heat transfer and apply them to solve basic heat transfer problems. (C3)
CLO-2: Analyze and relate the relevant heat transfer phenomena for a given problem and quantify the heat transferred.(C4)
CLO-3: Explain the impact of materials properties on heat transfer. (C2)
1. Introduction – One Lecture
- Physical origins of heat transfer
- Modes of heat transfer
- Thermodynamic relationships.
2. Introduction to Conduction – Two Lectures
- The Conduction Rate Equation.
- The Thermal Properties of Matter.
- Thermal Conductivity.
- The Heat Diffusion Equation.
- Boundary and Initial Conditions.
3. One-Dimensional, Steady State Conduction – Two Lectures
- The Plane Wall.
- An Alternative Conduction Analysis.
- Radial Systems
- Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation
- Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces
4. Two-Dimensional, Steady State Conduction – Two Lectures
- Concept of shape factors for heat transfer application.
- Numerical methods for simple heat transfer applications
5. Two-Dimensional, Steady State Conduction – Two Lectures
- Concept of shape factors for heat transfer application.
- Numerical methods for simple heat transfer applications.
6. Transient Conduction – Three Lectures
- The Lumped Capacitance Method.
- Validity of the Lumped Capacitance Method.
7. Introduction to Convection – One Lecture
- The Convection Boundary Layers.
- Local and Average Convection Coefficients.
- Laminar and Turbulent Flow.
- The Boundary Layer Equations.
- Physical Interpretation of the Dimensionless Parameters.
- Boundary Layer Analogies.
8. External Flow – Three Lectures
- The Flat Plate in Parallel Flow.
- The Cylinder in Cross Flow.
- Flow over Sphere.
- Flow across Banks of Tubes.
9. Internal Flow – Two Lectures
- Hydrodynamic Considerations.
- Thermal Considerations.
- The Energy Balance.
- Laminar Flow in Circular Tubes: Thermal Analysis and Convection Correlations.
- Convection Correlations: Turbulent Flow in Circular Tubes.
10. Free Convection – Two Lectures
- The Governing Equations for Laminar Boundary Layers.
- Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Surface.
- The Effects of Turbulence.
- Free Convection Within Parallel Plate Channels.
- Free Convection over cylinder and spheres.
11. Boiling and Condensation – Two Lectures
- Boiling Mode.
- Modes of Pool Boiling.
12. Heat Exchangers – Four Lectures
- Heat Exchanger Types.
- Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the LMTD.
- Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness–NTU Method.
- Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations.
13. Radiations – Two Lectures
- Fundamental Concepts.
- Radiation Heat Fluxes.
- Blackbody Radiation.
- Emission from Real Surfaces.
- The Gray Surface.
- Environmental Radiation.
14. Radiation Exchange between Surfaces – Two Lectures
- The View Factor.
- Blackbody Radiation Exchange.
- Radiation Exchange between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray Surfaces in an Enclosure.
15. Diffusion Mass Transfer – Two Lectures
- Fick’s Law of Diffusion