To enable students to learn basic areas of hydrological engineering and principles of water management particularly in irrigated agriculture.


CLO:1 Gain the ability to learn basic areas of hydrological engineering.
CLO:2 Gain the ability to measure different hydrological quantities/components such as precipitation, stream flows, run-offs, and ground water.
CLO:3 Be able to develop design worksheets and use of software.


  1. Introduction
    • Hydrology
    • Hydrologic cycle and the water balance equation
    • Practical uses of hydrology
    • Importance of hydrology
  2. Water Resources
    • Planning and development of water resources projects
    • Domestic
    • Industrial
    • Agricultural and other water usages
    • Water resources in Pakistan
  3. Water Management
    • Water management practices at basin level, canal level and farm level
  4. Meteorology
    • The atmosphere and its composition, dew point and its measurement devices
    • Saturation deficit
    • The general circulation of wind system, the monsoons and western disturbances
    • Measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, radiation, sunshine, atmospheric pressure and wind velocity & direction
  5. Precipitation
    • Types of precipitation
    • Factors necessary for the formation of precipitation
    • Measurement of precipitation
    • Interpretation of precipitation data
    • Computation of average rainfall over a basin
  6. Evaporation and Transpiration
    • Factors affecting evaporation
    • Measurement of evaporation
    • Evapo-transpiration
  7. Stream Flow
    • Water Stage and its measurement
    • Selection of site for stage recorder
    • Selection of control and metering section
    • Methods of measurement of stream flow
    • Interpretation of stream flow data
    • Return period
  8. Runoff & Hydrographs
    • Factors affecting runoff
    • Estimating the volume of storm runoff
    • Characteristics of Hydrograph
    • Components of a hydrograph
    • Hydrograph separation
    • Estimating the volume of direct runoff
    • Introduction to unit hydrograph concept
    • S-curve
    • Application of probability in determining maxima/minima of discharge
    • Types of histogram and distribution.
  9. Stream Flow Routing
    • Introduction to floods and its causes
    • Frequency and duration analysis
    • Reservoir routing
    • Channel routing
    • Flood Control
    • Introduction to Hydrological Modeling
  10. Groundwater
    • Introduction
    • Sources and discharge of ground water
    • Water table and artesian aquifer
    • Ground water hydraulics
    • Pumping test
    • Tube well technology
  11. Computer Application
    • Development of design worksheets and use of software (if any)