To improve students’ cognitive and psycho motor skills. To understand the basic principles of Mechanics of Materials and Laws of Mechanics. Mechanics of Materials Laboratory gives the student basic tools for stress, strain and deformation analysis, methods for determining the stresses, strains and deformations produced by applied loads.
CLO-1: Measure key variables of interest (such as linear displacements, angular displacements and strains) with confidence and proficiency. (P2)
CLO-2: Sketch relevant graphs (such as SN curve, load displacements curve etc.) with confidence and proficiency. (P3)
CLO-3: Analysis of experimental data by computing derived quantities from the measured values. (C4)
CLO-4: Analysis of experimental data by computing derived quantities from the measured values. (C4)
1. Hook’s Law Apparatus
- Experiment #01
- To determine Young’s Modulus of Elasticity of the specimen wire and to verify Hook’s Law by experiment
2. Rubber under Shearing Conditions Apparatus
- Experiment #02
- To determine and discuss the variation of deflection with applied load
- To investigate the variation in shear strain with shear stress
- To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of the rubber block
3. Deflection of Beams Apparatus
- Experiment #03
- To determine deflection of simply supported beam
- To determine deflection of cantilever beam
- To determine deflection of an overhung beam
4. Torsion of Bars Apparatus
- Experiment #04
- To determine Modulus of Rigidity of the given material by torsion method
5. Shear Force and Bending Moment Apparatus
- Experiment #05
- To find shearing force and bending moment of a shaft
6. Hardness Testing Machine
- Experiment #06
- To determine the hardness of the given specimen by using Rockwell Hardness Test
- To determine the hardness of the given specimen by using Brinell Hardness Test
7. Impact Testing Machine
- Experiment #07
- To determine impact toughness through Izod Test
- To determine impact toughness through Charpy Test
8. Fatigue Testing Machine
- Experiment #08
- To develop an understating about fatigue and to draw S-N curve for the given specimen
9. Creep Testing Machine
- Experiment #09
- To demonstrate and calculate creep in different materials at different stresses and temperatures
10. Universal Truss Apparatus
- Experiment #10
- To determine vertical displacements of the truss at the point of application of load
11. Universal Testing Machine
- Experiment #11
- Tensile Test on UTM
- Compression Test on UTM
12. Curved Beams Apparatus
- Experiment #12
- To determine deflection of a Ring Beam
- To determine deflection of a Semi Circle Beam
- To determine deflection of a Quarter Circle Beam
- To determine deflection of a Curved Davit Beam
- To determine deflection of a Right-Angled Beam
13. Polariscope
- Experiment #13
- To determine material fringe value of the test specimen under centric loading
14. Thin Wall Cylinder Apparatus
- Experiment #14
- To determine strain value at various angles in ‘Open End Condition’
- To determine strain value at various angles in ‘Close End Condition’
15. Stain Gauge Trainer
- Experiment #15
- To determine strain in the bending system through strain gauge strainer
- To determine strain in the torsion system through strain gauge strainer
- To determine strain in the tension system through strain gauge strainer