Thermodynamics is an engineering science that is central to most mechanical engineering applications. This course provides an introduction to the thermodynamic concepts that will be required in following courses and in professional applications. The course provides a background for understanding how energy systems such as engines and refrigerators operate.


CLO-1: Apply the first law of thermodynamics to closed systems and compute the thermodynamic properties of fluids. (C3)
CLO-2: Construct thermodynamic processes on appropriate diagrams and apply the second law of thermodynamics in view of entropy balance.(C3)
CLO-3: Apply the second law of thermodynamics to refrigeration and heat pump cycles with a view to improve their performance. (C3)


1. Introductory Concepts – Three Lectures

  • Using Thermodynamics, Defining System
  • Describing System and their Behavior
  • Measuring Mass, Length and Force
  • Specific Volume and Pressure

2. Energy and First Law of Thermodynamics – Five Lectures

  • Energy, Energy Transfer by Heat
  • Energy Balance for Closed Systems
  • Energy Analysis of Cycles

3. Evaluating Properties – Eight Lectures

  • Fixing the states, p-v-T Relationships
  • Retrieving Thermodynamics Properties
  • Generalized Compressibility Charts
  • Ideal Gas Model
  • Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Ideal Gases
  • Evaluating change in u and h
  • Polytropic Process of an Ideal Gas

4. Control Volume Analysis Using Energy – Six Lectures

  • Conservation of Mass for a Control Volume
  • Conservation of Energy for a Control Volume
  • Analyzing Control Volumes at Steady states
  • Transient Analysis

5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics – Four Lectures

  • Introducing the Second Law
  • Identifying the Irreversibilities
  • Applying the Second Law to Thermodynamics Cycles
  • Defining the Kelvin Temperature Scale
  • Maximum Performance Measures for Cycles Operating between Two Reservoirs
  • Carnot Cycle

6. Entropy – Six Lectures

  • Introducing Entropy, Defining Entropy Change
  • Retrieving Entropy Data
  • Entropy change in Internally Reversible Processes
  • Entropy Balance for Closed Systems
  • Entropy Rate Balance for Control Volumes
  • Isentropic Efficiencies of Turbines, Nozzles, Compressors, and Pumps
  • Heat Transfer and Work in Internally Reversible, Steady-States Flow Processes