The course physical pharmacy is designed to provide the students with a wide background in pharmacy related physical principles essential for their study in pharmaceutics in succeeding years. Physical pharmacy integrates basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry. The course aims at introducing important pharmacy-related physical principles in areas such as states of matter, phase equilibrium and phase rule, solutions, adsorption, solubility, buffers and isotonic solutions and dispersions. It also focuses on the theories behind the phenomena needed for dosage form design .The course also presents basic understanding of types of disperse systems and methods of their preparation and assessment.
CLO: 1. To discuss principles, theory and experiments used in physical pharmacy with special focus on physicochemical properties.
CLO: 2. To perform skillfully laboratory experiments related to physical pharmacy by operating different laboratory equipment and execute relevant calculations, graphical presentations and results.
CLO: 3. To analyze given data, graphs and calculations using basic principles of physical pharmacy.
- NOTE: Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis of the above-mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities e.g. Determination of Emulsion systems; Determination of particle size; Density, Specific Volume, Weights and Volumes of Liquids; Preparation of Buffer solutions and isotonic solution; Determination of %age composition of solutions by Specific Gravity method.