- To enable students to learn broad areas of hydrological engineering and principles of water management particularly in irrigated agriculture.
CLO: 1. to attempt and perform the experiments related to Hydrology and water resources management.
CLO: 2. to demonstrate the experimental procedures to measure different hydrological quantities (precipitation, stream flows etc.).
CLO: 3. to analyze results of hydrological quantities using experimental data.
CLO: 4. to clarify and argue on experimental knowledge used to measure hydrological components.
- Estimation and Comparison of evaporation using Standard Evaporation Pan and Colorado Sunken Pan.
- Determination of channel flow velocity and discharge by using Propeller and Cup type current meter.
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of the cut-throat flume.
- Measurement and comparison of rainfall by using following methods; Float Type, Weighing Type & Tipping Bucket Type.
- Determination of Aerial Precipitation by following methods; Thiessen Polygon, Isohyetal & Arithmetic Mean.
- Investigation of effects of the conditions of the catchment area and its slope on the rainfall runoff relationship using Basic Hydrology Apparatus Generation of Hydrograph, Study of Infiltration and percolation by using Darcy Law
- Effect of “Interflow” on the Runoff Hydrograph.
- Measurement of discharge using float method.
- Investigation of underground water by using following Geophysical methods; Seismic Survey & Electric Resistivity Survey.